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Pharma Company Gains Knowledge & Insights  by Socializing its Alarm Data—Beyond the Control System

Pharma Company Gains Knowledge & Insights by Socializing its Alarm Data—Beyond the Control System

In pharmaceutical companies, alarms are critical to the health of a room—and the viability of the product being manufactured there. Alarms, as part of the Control System, provide detailed information such as what day, time, how long, and if there was any product being made in that room when the alarms occurred. However, the Control System is typically in a separate room or secure part of the facility, where not everyone can have access to it—for many good reasons. But what if others can benefit from access to some of the data or the amalgamation of that data?
To address this challenge, our Data Management team created an integration between the Control System (DeltaV™) and the industry’s widely accepted Data Historian tool (PI) to begin to solve this. Our customer could then see the status of each alarm in PI (with a time stamp). Then once in PI, we built the aggregate alarms—basically all the alarms for one room rolled into one ‘common alarm’ for that room’s ambient conditions. In addition, PI allowed for custom visualization to further understand that data.
Technologies Leveraged:

Technologies Leveraged:

DeltaV™  Alarm Operations, DeltaV™ OPC Events Server,
and PI AF (Asset Framework) custom programming
Learn more about our custom
data programming capabilities.
(201) 934-9200