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Steam Metering Solutions Steam Metering Solutions

3 Great Reasons Why You Should Consider Our Solutions

<span style="color:#00488d">1. High Quality Measurement</span>

1. High Quality Measurement

  • Expanded Measurement Range
    Captures previously unbillable quantities
  • Independent Pressure & Temperature Compensation
    Improves accuracy & response time
  • BTU Consumption Data
    Enables accurate billing of steam usage   
  • Real-Time Process Information
    Informs trending and spike usage
  • Tailored To Individual Steam Conditions by Our Experts
    Delivers best performance for system constraints

2. Low Cost of Ownership

  • Automatic Run Switching
    Eliminates need for manual operation
  • Unaffected by Condensation
    Improved meter longevity
  • No Moving Parts or Impulse Piping
    Greater reliability with fewer failure points
  • Inline Testing & Troubleshooting
    Prevent unplanned shut downs
  • Sensors Isolated From Process
    Allow hot swapping

3. Ease of Integration

  • Complete Solution
    Verified interconnectivity of components
  • Designed for Spatial Constraints
    Minimal mechanical rework
  • Project Management
    Control Associates manages deliveries of components and labor
  • Flexible Communication Protocols
    Easy access to high quality measurements
  • Local Technicians
    Startup & commissioning services with 24/7 support (in NYC metro)
Get in touch with an expert, find your nearest office location, or send us a note about your next project!
Talk to one of our experts in this field
(201) 934-9200