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The Model FT1 is a multiple award winner due to its innovative design elements such as the DDC-Sensor™ technology platform that allows it to operate using the Gas-SelectX® gas menu selection tool.
Fox Thermal Model FT1 Thermal Gas Mass Flow Meter


Insertion, Inline
Flow Accuracy
Air: ± 1% of reading ± 0.2% of full scale. Other Gases: ± 1.5% of reading ± 0.5% of full scale. Accuracy specification applies to customer's selected flow range
Straight, unobstructed pipe requirement
Insertion: 15 diameters upstream; 10 downstream. Inline: 8 diameters upstream; 4 downstream.
Flow Repeatability
± 0.2% of full scale
Flow Response Time
0.8 seconds (one time constant)
Temperature Accuracy
± 1° F (± 0.6° C)
Factory Calibration to NIST-traceable standards; CAL-V™: In situ, operator-initiated calibration validation


  • Measures process gas flow rate/total and temperature
  • Insertion probes (for 1.5" - 70" pipes); Inline flow bodies with NPT ends (¾" - 3" pipes); Inline 150 lb. Flanged flow bodies (¾" - 6" pipes)
  • Equipped with the DDC-Sensor™ (Direct Digitally Controlled)
  • Gas-SelectX® gas selection menu. Choose from available list of gases/gas mixes to measure flow. NIST-traceable calibration
  • One standard 4-20mA output proportional to mass flow rate; HART communication option
  • One output is selectable for pulse/alarm, Modbus RTU (RS485), or BACnet MS/TP (RS485)
  • Optional on-board display and configuration panel
  • Calibration Validation with the CAL-V™ feature
  • A USB connection is standard (free FT1 View™ Software)
  • Wide measurement range
  • Flow Accuracy for air: ±1% R ±0.2% FS; Flow accuracy for other gases: ±1.5% R ±0.5% FS
  • 10-30 VDC in local enclosures